BAFTS and our Fair Trade Goals
We are so proud to announce that we are now members of BAFTS, the British Association for Fair Trade Shops and Suppliers. You can read all about BAFTS and the work that they do to promote and support fair trade business on their website, here.
After a thorough application process, where we examined our practices and how we adhere to the Ten Principles of Fair Trade, we were then assessed by the BAFTS board, and accepted as new members. You can read all about how we interpret and adhere to the Ten Principles of Fair Trade here.
Another part of the application required us to set goals for how we can improve our Fair trade credentials. This was a real opportunity for us to put our thinking caps on and determine small changes that we could make that can make a big difference! We came up with three goals that we are intending to achieve within the the next 12-18 months. Each of the goals are SMART and as part of our commitment we have listed them below publicly.
We are also attending the BAFTS AGM and Annual conference this weekend. We are excited by the programme which features a range of speakers and workshops on a wide variety of fair-trade relevant subjects. We will be taking lots of notes and will write a post all about the conference and the things that we have learnt next week… so watch this space!
With love and good Karma x
Karma Gear Fair Trade Goals for 2018
Goal 1.
Reduce the environmental impact of our tags
Reduce the size of our paper tags, and switch to recycled paper. Cease the use of plastic kimble tags to attach paper tags and switch to hemp/cotton/recycled twine.
Measure of Success
Achieved when all products have new tags and no plastic is used for labelling/tagging purposes.
This goal is part of our commitment to the environment and reducing our impact. We will need to research, and design a new tag and locate a twine supplier. This can be done by us and working with our current label supplier and shipping agent to locate a local twine supplier.
This goal is relevant to Principle 10 – Protecting the environment.
All our products have a tag or label, so this will have a considerable impact and is relevant to Karma Gear, and in line with our values.
Tags designed, and twine supplier located before next big order is placed in January 2019. All products to have the new tags and twine as soon as existing stock is used, so as not to waste any tags.
So Far… we have designed our new tags (as part of a major rebrand… details and sneak peeks will be revealed soon!) and have been in touch with our agent in Nepal and existing label printer to discuss options.
Goal 2.
Participate in Fair Trade event
Get in touch with local and national fair trade organisations to find out how we can participate, and do so.
Measure of Success
Participate in Fair trade fortnight and/or other fair trade events.
Part of our commitment to the promotion of fair trade. Connect us with like-minded businesses and create a strong network from which all can benefit.
We should be able to get in touch with people in our local area, if there are no groups we could look into setting one up.
This goal is relevant to Principle 9 – Promoting Fair Trade.
To participate in an event within the next 12 months.
So Far… We are attending the BAFTS AGM and Annual Conference in London and are looking forward to networking and finding out about fair trade events in our area that are relevant to us.
Goal 3.
Create Checklist for Suppliers
A checklist for us to use as a benchmark whilst inspecting existing and potential new suppliers. It will be used to record adherence to fair trade principles including, but not limited to: good working conditions, fair pay, health and safety practices etc
Measure of Success
Use checklist and keep records of conditions etc and improvements made. Improvements can be easily identified and measured. Records kept of suppliers working practices and track changes over time.
Using Fair trade principles, alongside UK and Nepali law, as well as international standards, we should be able to compile a list that will be useful for us.
This goal will help us to further improve compliance with all Fair trade principles by highlighting what we and our suppliers do well and where improvement can be made.
Areas for improvement can be easily identified. Assists us to support suppliers to improve. Help us to identify/choose suppliers that are/can be helped to be compliant.
Create checklist to use by the time we visit Nepal in late 2018/early 2019 and use it on our visits to suppliers
So Far… We have started to compile a list of things that we think should be added to the list. We have also begun working with our suppliers so that they can also get involved with fair trade organisations in Nepal to further strengthen fair trade practice.